Monday, August 8, 2011

Gardening in Florida

Gardening in Florida should be easy, right?  Stick stuff in the ground and it grows?  Well... maybe for other people.  But for me, it's been a bit of a challenge.  

Our spring garden, for example, didn't do too well.  First it was too cold... then it was too hot!  The peas just barely produced.  The carrots were a TOTAL no show.  The tomatoes did really well for awhile - we only planted cherry tomatoes this year, maybe that's the secret?  Okra?  It did well, but I didn't ever pick it at the right time, so ...  whatever.  Oh, and the watermelon.  OH the WATERMELON!  They are growing WILD! 

Anyhow.  It's now time to get started on the fall garden.  I'm hoping for better results this time around.

It's a complicated process.

First you weed the garden.  (Weeds are the ONLY crop I grow well consistently...)  Under all the weeds?  Watermelon.

Ok, Buddy is a little shorter than Andy and CJ, but he's back there...

Those are some TALL weeds - you can just barely see Buddy behind Andy's, uh, rump...

CJ really DOES have a tail - it's just busy getting rid of flies.....

Then you fertilize the garden.  (sorry... LOL)

Thanks Andy!

Next step will be to put some weed killer on it and then till it under.

Good to have help though!

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