Tuesday, August 23, 2011


The preparation goes on.  Kyle returned all his shirts to his old job today (and met his replacement...)  He was planning to spend part of the day training Bison to get in and out of his crate in the back of the truck, but Bison doesn't really "do" thunderstorms and we've had lots of that today.  So he is hiding in the back of his crate in the "dog room".  No amounts of bacon will get him out.  LOL  (big baby)

Meanwhile - Irene is still churning away out there.  Bahamas (Nassau) is preparing for a pretty good hit later today.  And then it's open ocean (90 degree water - PERFECT for hurricane development) and on up towards the U.S.  They are predicting it will stay out in the ocean and we should just get the tropical storm winds.  Nothing big. 

Meanwhile we are being watched over.  Rod and Jim got their new load assignment.  Left Atlanta and headed north to Chattanooga, TN to pick up a load, then to Chicago, IL to deliver it and pick up something else.  That load gets delivered on Thursday.  In ORLANDO!  So they will be there in time for the storm and if it looks like it's going to "bobble" to the west, they'll put in for emergency time off and come help us get the house prepped.  (Not that there is much to do...  I already dumped the swimming pool this week...)

Stay tuned... never a dull moment around here.

(And sure glad to hear nobody was hurt in the earthquake in NY and DC!)  Signs of the times.......

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