Thursday, November 10, 2011


Ok, here is proof there is grass growing out in the back pasture.  It's not really grass, it's rye.  A fancy kind I can say, but I can't spell...  But the horses are going to LOVE it!  Once I finally let them back there.  I am going to make them wait another couple of weeks.  Want to make sure it's got a good root system...

Kyle has really worked hard getting the property looking nice!  But now he's riding his 4-wheeler in the front yard!  (Since I won't let him in the back...)  But at least he's just riding around the edges - so that's ok.  I told him he gave up his entire track - I could give up a little of my front yard.  I think that's fair!

Oh, and he built a nifty track for his RC truck on the old pool spot.  Boys - they never grow too old for their toys!

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