Thursday, January 5, 2012

AGAIN with the cold!?!

Ok, there is a reason I moved to Florida.  It has everything to do with the weather.  It's FLORIDA!  I mean, duh...

And yet, they took great joy in pointing out this morning on the news that it was, in fact, WARMER in BISMARCK, ND than in ORLANDO, FL!  What is UP WITH THAT????


And, can I add, it was 34 when I started to take the picture, but it was dark in the house, so I had to do some adjusting of the lighting... during which time it warmed up a degree.  (I think it's cuz my hand was on the thermometer... no wait, the thermometer is out on the patio.  Ok, never mind...) (Also, it was 8:03!  NOT pre-dawn or anything like that... pre-dawn I was snuggled under multitudes of blankets in my bedroom, waiting for my space heater to do it's thing...)

This is how I deal with the cold....

A nice, big pot of homemade tomato/cabbage/misc veggie soup.  YUM!

This is how Kyle deals with the cold.  (He is too manly to actually FEEL the cold, mind you... but he does make SOME concessions...)

WINTER Chucks.

Here is how the horses deal with the cold.....

And yes, that IS frost on the poop pile.  So much for the "spontaneous combustion" theory...

Sabrina?  She snuggles up in a blanket(s) on the couch with a mountain of tissues, boxes of various over-the-counter pharmaceuticals, and juice.  She also FORBIDS picture taking while in said state...

That, there, is FROST on my truck.  Which I specifically parked down by the barn so it would get the early morning sun and I wouldn't have to scrape my windows.  Cuz I live in FLORIDA and I don't OWN a scraper...  (it was still early and the sun hadn't hit it yet, but by the time I was done all my chores, it was nice and toasty warm, thank you for asking!)

Oh, and in case you noticed, that IS my shadow taking the picture, but I am NOT Gigantor.  I AM wearing my super warm, super thick, super quilt batting filled AXO coat.  That scares my horses.  But they will get over it.  Just about the time it warms up and I quit wearing it.

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