Saturday, February 2, 2013

Hotel Workouts

I spend nearly every weekend staying in a hotel.
Which isn't all that bad...
Someone to clean up after me every day.

But I'm also in a 60 day fitness challenge with Sabrina.
We are working out together 
Tuesday & Thursday evenings.

We are on our own on Saturdays.

I wanted to do my new 
T-Tapp Senior Fit Tempo 4 workout.
It's 47 minutes long.

Teresa just "knows" when my weight is shifting forward.
Every time I feel my weight roll onto my toes,
she cues "weight back in your heels!"

I swear she can see me!

It doesn't help, or maybe it does, that I've done this particular workout with her personally
with only about 10 people in the room and almost all the others were trainers,
(it was a master trainer class, I just got lucky to be able to join them...)
AND I was front and center right where she could practically touch me...
In fact she caught me leading with my chin several times and said she 
had never cued that before and was going to put it in the dvd.
So I KNOW whenever she cues that she IS talking directly to me.

I'm flattered.
And annoyed that she still catches me, a year later.


In the new Tempo 4, she cues "weight in the heels" a gazillion times and it really helps.

But half way through my workout this morning,
my dvd froze up.

Darn it!

I messed with it for awhile, and then gave up.
Instead I moved to the same spot on the 
Level 1 workout.
It's the same workout, but with more reps.
So it's just over an hour long...

But there ARE lots of great tips and tweaks.
Just no "weight in heels" cues.

So I did my own.

This is a terrible picture.

I should have turned off the lamp.
But notice the cue on the mirror!

I love writing on mirrors.
And luckily I had a dry-erase pen in my suitcase.
NO idea why it's there.
But cool that I remembered it!

Now off to the showers and
(ok, lunch, it's nearly 11:30)

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