Friday, February 1, 2013


This morning was a little chilly.
Which means it got a little crazy.

I bundled up.
(It was 44.)
(Yes, I think we have established I'm a pansy.)

Fed the horses.
Fed the chickens.
Milked the cow.
(just checking to see if you were paying attention)

Took some pictures of the progress on the chicken coop.

The boys are getting it all framed in!

It's going to have a metal roof.
(See the roof pan on the ground to the left...)

Let the horses out.

Went in to feed the dogs.

Came out.

Andy was in the yard.


I checked the barn gate.  Closed.
I checked the yard gate.  Closed.
I checked the garden gate.  Closed.

He has arthritis.
He couldn't have jumped out!

While I was standing there, stumped,
I noticed the big panel gate at the end of the garden where the boys drive in and out
to bring in dirt was open.
And, of course, they took down some of the garden fence to build the coop.

Sneaky Andy figured out how to get out.

Unfortunately, CJ and Buddy were jealous.
So they were both galloping full bore around the pasture,
bucking, kicking, making a fuss.

Then CJ figured out the puzzle.
So he came BLASTING through the garden.

Which left Buddy.

Buddy doesn't do "alone".
I was pretty sure he would come totally unglued.

So I carefully opened the little garden gate and
RAN out of the way.

Good thing, too.

He came shooting through there like a crazy rocket.
Nut job.

But then they weren't done.
Oh no!

Laps and laps of the yard, bucking, kicking, galloping, skidding
in the wet morning grass.

Then into the front yard!
I thought OH GOOD!  I can lock 'em in.
But they came rocketing out before I could get there.

Meanwhile, Sabrina and I need to leave for work.
But we can't leave with these loons running around!
If we open the front gate to drive out, who KNOWS what will happen!

So I took a video.
Without my glasses.
It was a good video, too.
Unfortunately, I didn't get the video turned ON.
So got a great 2 second clip of my feet.
Then nothing.

But by then, they had calmed down a little.
So I grabbed a rope and took CJ into the front yard.
Buddy doesn't do alone.
So he followed.

Andy wasn't having any of it.
I had to go capture him and bring him in personally.

He was quite proud of himself for starting the whole thing.

And now they are quietly grazing in the front yard
like the senior, sedate horses they are.



rktucson said...

You crack me up!

Collette said...

Glad I could make you smile!