Tuesday, November 26, 2013

Day "Off"

Jim invited me to the movies on Monday.
During the day.
So I emailed my boss and took Monday off.

Monday morning was a little less cold,
but there was still a blustery wind.

We fed the animals and then had a yummy breakfast.
Rod had his usual 2 eggs with bacon
(cooked super fast and crispy in the new microwave)
and I had a "Butter Pecan" muffin in a mug
in a cute mug!

The farrier showed up about 9:00-ish to do the horses'
pedicure.  (Talk about spoiled!  LOL)
We chatted for a few minutes and then all 3 of us
jumped in the truck to drive over town to meet Jim.
We saw Hunger Games 2 (Catching Fire)
It was really good!
Of course, the book is better, but they did
a pretty good job of catching the essence...

Then back to the house to borrow the neighbor's horse trailer
(our's isn't road worthy right now)
and load up CJ.
He's had a weeping eye on and off for a couple of weeks
so decided to take the opportunity to run him to the vets.

If you have the vet come to you,
there is a $60 "barn call" charge.
If you bring the horse to him...
Pretty good deal!

Except CJ is claustrophobic and HATES trailers.
But he loaded up well and was happy to see
a big pile of hay for him to eat.

Turns out he has a corneal ulcer with secondary fungus.

Which means...

2 expensive, gooey salves in his eye three times a day for 7 days.
1 expensive, gooey salve in his eye twice a day for 2 days
and then 1once a day for 5 more.
And a squirt of banamine in his mouth for 3 days.

He loves it.

And then he gets to ride in the trailer again NEXT Monday
for a checkup to make sure its all good.

I'm not taking next Monday off.
Rod and Kyle make a good loading team though.

After all THAT fun,
we got home to find a yard full of trucks and trailers.
(ok, there were only 2, but they were parked all
over the place, so it looked like a yard full... lol)

The guys and some friends had loaded up their
4-wheelers and headed out into the woods to ride.

Sabrina came over after work
and the guys showed up WELL after dark around 6:30-ish.

They had a great time.
Were soaking wet,
but happy.

I had put some General Tso Chicken in the crockpot in the morning
and some brown rice in a pot an hour earlier
so we had a yummy "chinese" dinner.
(Made some Asian veggies in the microwave...)

While we ate, we watched Hunger Games #1
on dvd.
Since Rod was pretty sure he fell asleep
watching it last time and was lost.

And then it was back out to the barn to
put gooey salve in CJ's eye before bed.

This morning started early.
Rod was up at 5:30 and I followed 15 minutes later
and we headed out to do CJ and feed everybody.
Still no baby bunnies.

They better get on the stick!

OH.  And we washed all the eggs and took them next door
last night before dinner.
Thursday is their usual "share" day, but with it being
Thanksgiving, they moved share day to today.
They don't have enough eggs, but oh well.
The girls are down in production again.
I think it's this crazy weather.

It was 80 on Saturday.
60 on Sunday.
78 on Monday.
80 today.
70 tomorrow
and we'll be lucky to hit 60 on Thanksgiving.
And back to 80 by the weekend.


Better get back to work.
Thanks everybody for the Birthday Wishes.
It was a great long weekend!

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