Thursday, July 10, 2014

A Lovely Morning

Thursday is Rod's plasma day.
So he gets up early and heads out.
(He normally doesn't go to work until 8:30
so he does all the morning chores
after I leave at 7...)

But on Thursdays...
I get up early with him.
Make our smoothies.
(Strawberry this morning...)
and then head out to the barn.

I kind of love Thursdays.

It's so nice and peaceful out there
in the mornings.  (if you ignore the girls)
The fodder is growing.
The new/old feed is fermenting.
(They like it SO MUCH BETTER!)
(We only got 25 eggs yesterday...
they are voting with their production)
(should get MORE today...)
(Ahem... ladies?)

Watching every day with baited breath
for the first colored egg from the new
Easter Eggers.
(Ahem... ladies?)

The sky was blue.
(We've been getting a LOT of rain
in the afternoons/evenings...)
(I'm thinking of borrowing Kyle's hip waders)

The river was gorgeous.

And then there was a Bald Eagle
majestically watching over it all.


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