Monday, July 21, 2014

My Garden

Pioneer Woman had a post today titled
My Garden.

So I thought I would echo that and tell
you all about My Garden.

I don't have one.

The End.


In other news...

Finished up my inaugural class at
the new local location this weekend.
Our June class was cancelled
because we had ZERO students
registered for it.

I was mighty worried for July,
since the day before school I still
only had 3 registered
(and we have a historical 50% no show rate)

So imagine my surprise and delight
when I ended up with 5 students.
Bright, happy, intelligent, motivated students.
(It's always a bummer to have someone
there who REALLY doesn't want to be there.)
(Although, WHY you would attend if you
don't want to, I can't figure out...)

They were there early every day,
never missed any time,
book keeping was EASY PEASY.
And all but one passed with flying colors.

And therein lies the problem.

We have a new motivational program going on.
They have us giving out those little rubber/plastic
wristband thingies.
(I hate wearing those - they don't make them
for scrawny wrists like mine...)

Red for going online to our study tools site.
White for scheduling your state exam.
Blue for recruiting another person.
Red/white/blue for passing my final exam.

And there you have it.

When you pass, you get a certificate of completion.
When you DON'T pass you just get told you didn't pass.
So EVERYBODY knows you didn't pass.
Which only makes you feel worse than you already do.

So I printed up a sheet with a spot for your score,
and some steps for what to do next to fix the issue.
That way, EVERYBODY gets a paper and
unless you start bawling (it happens) nobody
is any the wiser.

But NOW they've made it obvious (again)
if you DON'T pass!
(And I'm not one of those "everybody gets a
participation trophy" people.  You gotta EARN it folks.)

But we don't need to rub your face in it.

Am I right?


Luckily (for me) the one who didn't pass was
sitting on the back row, and happened to be
standing up by the window when I decided to
hand out their scores/wristbands.
So I was able to talk to her privately etc.

The rest of the class knew she didn't pass.
(It was obvious she wasn't going to...)
But at least she didn't have to come to the front
and suffer the indignity of not getting the prize
like everybody else.

Not sure how this will work with larger classes
where the non-passers are sprinkled in throughout.

But I guess I'll cross that bridge when I get there.

Any brilliant suggestions?

Suck it up Buttercup?
(Me, not the student...)

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