Friday, August 8, 2014


In fact I just remembered I still haven't
sent in my monthly Visiting Teaching report.
(I'm a Supervisor)
Excuse me for a moment...

OK, I'm back.

(No really, I just sent it...)

The girls have been busy laying up a storm.
And I've been busy posting lots of $.
And washing eggs.
And doing something else,
I'm sure...
but I can't remember what.

I've also not been sleeping.

We go to bed.
Turn on the TV and set it to turn off in 30 minutes.
I am asleep before the first commercial.

But for the last 3 nights I've been
waking repeatedly during the night.

Last night it was
(which really ticks me off)

I'm blind so I have a clock with BIG numbers.

I'm not sure what's different.
But I'm getting a little over it.

Especially when you wake up at 5:47
and then the alarm goes off at 6:00.
And then I fall back to sleep
and don't wake again til the next
alarm at 6:30.
(My backup just in case...)

Luckily I have my morning routine
down to a fine science.


But this morning I had the BEST morning drink!
(Better find out if Rod liked it...)

Every morning I make Rod and I a breakfast smoothie.
I use a base recipe from Trim Healthy Mama.

Into the blender:
2 C unsweetened almond milk
1 C low fat cottage cheese (you can't taste it, I swear!)
(adds protein and creamy-ness)
1 scoop whey isolate protein powder (french vanilla flavor)
4+ teaspoons Truvia
1 tray ice cubes

That's the base.

Then every day I add something to make it special.

Lots of days I add orange extract.
Tastes exactly like a creamsicle!

Or some Giradelli 100% dark cocoa powder
and some defatted peanut flour.
Peanut butter cups in a cup!

Cocoa powder and banana for
a Peter's chocolate banana shake anybody?

Rod's favorite is the Mint Chocolate Chip.
(a splash of peppermint extract and
a chunk of 85% dark chocolate)

This morning I added a big splash of
rootbeer extract.

Rootbeer Float!


It's going to be a good day.
So let it be said.
So let it be done.

We are butchering rabbits this weekend.
I see LOTS of rootbeer floats in my future.

1 comment:

Rozann said...

hey! me too! (VT supervisor, not the other stuff) but what a great morning (or anytime) smoothie. i'm gonna have to give those a try!