Friday, April 1, 2016

Back Pasture Updates

Over the weekend the guys were BUSY!

They built a "corral" around my little baby
mango tree.  The cows have discovered 
the leaves are pretty tasty.
And the aluminum panels were had around it
were pretty easy to shove out of the way.

Then they built the frame for this
totally cool shade thingie.
Kyle put the metal roof panels on it yesterday.

We are working on getting them used to 
being touched.
Putting their Ivermectin (wormer) on them
was entertaining since they are pretty shy.

Moon is still pretty stand-off-ish.

She and Shadow (dog) love to play together.
But she's still not too thrilled with the humans.
You can pet her while she is eating.
But she doesn't like you to stand beside her.
You can stand in front (like the photo of Kyle
petting Sir) and pet her head and sides,
but she gets suspicious of anything else.

And then,
just to keep things fun and interesting
Moon climbed THROUGH the space in the 
fence between the top and bottom boards
and ate more of my tree.

We had to take the bottom rail off and shoo
her out.
And then Rod and Kyle put some barbed wire
between the rails (like the rest of the pasture fence).

No pictures of the little sneak.
I was busy protecting my tree.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

too funny! wish I could post stuff on here too... but ill just send you the picture in a text or email.