Tuesday, September 28, 2021

Quick update


It seems that when I'm not teaching,
I don't get on my computer.
Which means I forget to post on my blog!

Yesterday was a full day.

Kyle and I spent much of the morning
getting him signed up for some health insurance.

We found him a really good plan
at a very reasonable price.

Just knowing he can go see a Doctor whenever
he feels like he needs to will take a lot of the 
day-to-day stress off his shoulders.
(It's scary to know if something goes wrong
he doesn't have any insurance...)

Anyhow. We got that solved and he is now
fully insured. (It started immediately!)

After that we hopped in his car and made a run
up to look at some property he wants to clear
this weekend (if it dries up enough...)

The rainy season seems to have ended.
(Unless one of the hurricanes decides to change
direction - but at this point it looks like all 3
storms are going to head out to sea...)

Then when we got home we went for a 2 mile
walk on the beach and then home for a
3 mile ride on our bikes!
Then to the grocery store for some food
and home to cook it.


I would have liked to join Beau!
(He gets to lick my plate when I'm done eating
and I guess he was afraid I would take it away from him... lol)

Today was a work at the town day.
Followed by teaching this evening.
(with a bagel and cream cheese somewhere in the middle...)

Tomorrow is pretty open.
Probably another beach walk and bike ride.
Trying to get my legs ready for a possible
hike in the Utah mountains next week.

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