Thursday, September 9, 2021

Taller and Taller!

 Kyle happened to be standing out in the garden.
So I asked him to stand by the sunn hemp.

You know how he feels about pictures...
but I DID get him to turn his back and let me snap one.

He spent much of the day working on a Town
project at a new Trail Head we are creating.

He mulched it and then root raked.

He built a nice big pile (on the right side of the picture)
that is easily 3 times that big now.
He was going to have to carry it to the lot next door
where it will break down.
But it helps to have friends in high places.
The Town Manager came by, took some pictures, was
really pleased and told me not to worry.
They have to bring in a couple of loads of dirt anyway
so they will have their truck and loader there...
they'll just move the pile for him!!!
That's a relief!
It was going to take him HOURS!
(Since he doesn't have a dump truck yet, so it 
was going to be one scoop at a time.... sheesh.)

We ended the day on a relaxing note.
Went down to the beach for an hour to
just sit in our chairs and enjoy the surf and sand.

When we got home we made some dinner and
did a 30 minute yoga practice and then off to bed!

All-in-all a good day!

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