Thursday, December 9, 2021

Garden Update (etc)


Kyle picked a bunch of radishes!

And they were YUMMY!
(You don't discover the "heat" until after you
finish eating it... and then, yup, it is hot.
But SOOO delicious - you just have to eat another one!)

Also the new winter rye is coming in.
You can see were the drag pulled the seeds into 
lovely straight rows.
And since the ground in the back back pasture isn't great,
it is growing in a bit patchy,
but better that than a pasture full of weeds NOTHING will eat.

Kyle got the hay all piled up.
We will need to go out there and tarp it.
Rod bought one of those used billboard thingies.
You know, the cloth they make billboards out of?
This one is an ad for a car sales company.
It's BRIGHT blue.
So we'll probably put that side down and let
the black side show.
Don't want it blinding the locals.

The baby chicks are growing!
They haven't quite hit the awkward
teenage stage yet - but they ARE getting
little tufts of tail feathers and some
wing feathers.
They are all different breeds.
It will be interesting to see what we end up with.
I'm positive several of them are roosters.
Those will likely get shipped off to freezer camp.
I don't want roosters.

all is well at the farm!
Everything that is supposed to be growing...
And that's good.

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