Wednesday, January 5, 2011

BUSY Day Ahead

Today is going to be a busy day for us...  Rod got up at 4, was on the highway by 5, and delivered 2 loads in the Atlanta area this morning.  Now he's cooling his heels until he can do his final off-load - but as it stands it won't be until midnight TOMORROW!  Lucky he has lots of paperwork etc to do. 

I, on the other hand, slept in until 6:15!  (horrors!)  Got up and headed outside to feed the horses and let the dogs out.  Buddy is getting older and has started choking on his feed unless you soak it, so the whole process takes a little longer than it used to.  But that's ok - he's such a great little horse, we don't mind.  (Well, Kyle minds... but whatever...)

Back in 2004 when we first bought him.  His mane is MUCH nicer now...

Then back inside to get ready for work, feed the dogs, etc.  Then back out to let the boys out of their stalls and head to the office. 

Once I got to work I did a quick set of Primary Back Stretch (in the bathroom) and then jumped right in opening envelopes and posting money.  A little later I did a Chair workout that really helps stretch out my back and warm me up (it's been COLD in my office today!) and then ate some orange chicken for lunch.

I'll be here until 5:15 and then I'm heading to the Melbourne school to teach a review from 6-10.  And then it's home again to hit the hay! 

Hope you are all having a fabulous day!  (Rozann says it's COLD in Tucson! Brrrrrrrrr)

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