Wednesday, April 20, 2011


Kyle made a disturbing confession the other day.  It seems he has a serious addiction he has been trying to keep a secret.

A month ago, when Rod was home, I was cooking his chicken to take with him.  While sitting in the kitchen doing pounds and pounds of chicken on the George Foreman, I brought in my laptop and turned on Hulu.  There I discovered all the old episodes of Bewitched!  So I started watching them from the beginning. 

At some point, Kyle came in, pulled up a chair and watched several episodes with me.

Seems, now he's unable to get it out of his mind and wanted to know if I would watch a couple more episodes with him one evening.  LOL

Aaah, Sam - you are still Bewitching.  

Rod is heading to the Port of Philladelphia to pick up some Chiquita bananas to take to Shelbyville, Indiana.
Jim is somewhere in Mass - heading - somewhere.  LOL  He was making a delivery this morning so must have gotten a new load.

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