Sunday, May 12, 2013


Finished up another weekend of classes
and drove home in lots of thunderstorms.

Why is it that when it starts to rain
drivers disengage their brain?

They act like they've never seen water before.



It was a good class.
And now it's over.
And I have 2 weekends off!

I brought 9 dozen eggs with me.
I sold them all.
I could have sold every egg I have if I had brought them.
These were EGG LOVERS!

I have to get up early,
work out,
get everybody fed,
get to the lab for a blood test
and still get to work on time.

Good luck with that.
I have a doc appointment at 3:45
to renew my Synthroid.
I have a feeling it might be low.

We'll see.

Meanwhile, I'm going to bed.
Have a great night!

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