Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Great Day!

Today is a GREAT day.

First of all,
this is Mom and Dad's


They are "hiding" in the back, in the dark.
I know, hard to "hide" while wearing
a BRIGHT sweater and an
awesome hat...

But whatever.

Sixty Years together?
You can wear whatever you want.
Especially if you are HOLDING HANDS.

We all got together to celebrate in August.
A great time was had by all.
It was fantastic to honor 60 years.

But what was even more awesome
was recognizing that this is
Just the Beginning.

Marriage for Time and All Eternity
is so much cooler than
"Til death do we part".

Can you imagine living, loving, working together
for 60+ years and then it's just
... OVER?

Eternal marriage.
One of Heavenly Father's BEST things.


Speaking of Best Things...
my darling husband
started his new job this morning.

This was the email he sent me this morning...

No hat on my head, first time in 33 years.
Feel like I am not dressed. Lol

Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
He took his giant tool box over yesterday.
So he was ready (although hatless)
to walk into the hanger and
get right to work.

Good luck my darling!
I'm thinking about you today!
(And everyday...)


Rozann said...

why no hat? was that a requirement of his other jobs?

Collette said...

Ha ha ha ha. He just said he doesn't have an "airplane" hat. So he'll have to get one... cuz everybody, I'm sure, wears them, but all he has these days, are trucker hats. (He has a gazillion helicopter hats from the Utah days... but he needs a NEW hat.)

Rozann said...

so... christmas ideas here we come! haha size suggestions?

Collette said...

He just wears a regular baseball cap. Unlike SOME people. (peanut!)