Tuesday, October 1, 2013


Today is October 1st.

An important date for all liverwurst lovers.

Come on...
Sing it with me...

That big hunk of liverwurst
has been there since October 1st
And today is the 23rd of May....

Only Rozann and Trisch will get that.
And since Trisch doesn't read my blog
That just leaves Rozann.

But I figured since it was stuck in MY head...
Gotta share the wealth.
Ya' know?

(You could go to YouTube and see if you
can find Allan Sherman "Delicatessen Store")
*But I'm at work, so that's not something I can
do for you...

Luckily with the stupid government shut-down
the post office is still operating.

Cuz look what they just brought me!

These little chicks are "Silkies".
Straight run.
Which means it will be a mystery
if they are boys or girls
until later.
When they either crow or drop an egg.

But in the meantime, they are ADORABLE!


Rozann said...

hi there. i just typed in a whole post but then it closed! grrr!
anyway, too funny about the Oct 1st thing.now i will have to go look up the song. it wont be as good as you and i sing it though. and i taught them all to sam on our trips to mexico years ago.

oh and speaking of sam, she is selling all her chickens and just hatching chicks this winter. she might keep her one broodie and her rooster, and she has a really pretty silkie...

Collette said...

Too bad I don't live closer - I'd totally buy them from her - especially her Easter Eggers and Silkie. As of this morning I have... 123! But 62 of them are babies... So it's like they don't count. In February, when the babies are "on line", the old ladies are heading to freezer camp. 60 is really about the right size flock for me...

My kids love the Mexican Hat Dance and we still sing it now and again - but you just gotta love ya some liverwurst!

Rozann said...

Sam is also very proficient at "processing" chickens... from start to finish (meaning in the jars, meat, gravy, stock!) she advertises that she will "process" your chickens or roosters with a 2 day turn around.

Collette said...

Dang! I need to make a trip to Tucson for a tutorial!