Thursday, April 3, 2014

Kyle was BUSY

Since Kyle didn't get accepted to his college
he has been burning off all his excess energy
in projects around the property.

I'm loving it.
(And he's not really sad to NOT be going
to Wisconsin...)

Anyhow - yesterday he finished the pasture fence.
We have been talking about it forever.

Buddy is just the right height to sneak under the
top rail we put up a year or so ago.
Kyle ran some electric wire (but not electrified)
and Buddy just pushes through.

So yesterday Kyle put up a middle board.
And then he put up a permanent fence
dividing the "sand yard" from the "green yard".
We've had lots of variations of fence
along that section.
We tried electric.
We tried temp field fence.
Nothing really worked.

(You can just see the lighter board - clean and new)

And, the NEW fence!

He did a GREAT job.

Buddy was NOT impressed.

Next up... fertilizer and summer pasture seed.
(We seed twice a year to keep our pastures
green and yummy all year long...)

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