Monday, January 26, 2015


We have mayhem happening in the barn.

Ok, let's take this from the beginning.

We have a barley fodder system.

But here lately it has been looking a little ragged.

It's not growing as lush and green.
It's looking a little like 
has been messing with it.
(We had a little red hen who hopped
in there every afternoon,
but Rod covered the entire frame 
in chicken wire so she couldn't 
get in anymore.)

That didn't help.
It was still looking ragged.

And then Friday 
look what I found!

It's dead.

It was already dead when I found it.

Rod poisoned it.

Because this i what I found
over the weekend.

my saddle damage
Rod's saddle damage


So I'm not sad to see the dead rat.
And I hope his friends are 
soon to follow.

(We used to have a snake that took
care of the rat population, but it
started to get a little less "timid"
and Kyle shot it a couple of months ago)

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