Thursday, June 4, 2015

What Day IS It???

I'm sooooo confused.

I took Monday off.
(I've been taking every Monday off)
(Monday is Rod's day off)
(And when I teach all weekend... I need one!)


So I came to work on Tuesday.
Thinking it was Monday all day.

Then Wednesday rolled around.
I get a GIANT payable on Thursday
from one of our insurance companies.

It's scheduled to arrive on Thursday,
but often it doesn't get here until Friday.
Or the following Monday.

But this week it showed up on WED!
So then I THOUGHT it was Thursday
all day long!

So now that it's Thursday for reals...
I'm thinking it's Friday!
(Partly because I'm leaving at noon tomorrow
so Rod and I can go to the temple in Orlando...)


Lucky I'm off this weekend.
It will be good to "re-set".

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