Friday, January 29, 2016


The phone rings.
The number is "unknown".
I notice it's from Texas.
I answer.
The recorded message says 
(insert ominous voice)

"The IRS has been trying to locate you.
This is your final notice.
The IRS is filing a lawsuit against you.
Call this number immediately."


So I called.
The call didn't go through.
I called again.

A man with a foreign accent answered
and was clearly reading unfamiliar
words from a script.

"This is the IRS.  Can I help you?"

I hung up.

The next day the phone rings.
The number is "unknown".
I notice it's from Washington D.C.
I answer.
The recorded message says...

"The IRS has been trying to locate you.
This is your final notice.
The IRS is filing a lawsuit against you.
Call this number immediately."

I am unimpressed with the "final notice".
For the second time. directs me to a website
to report the phishing.
So I do.

Not surprisingly I haven't heard anything since.

It wasn't a displaced Nigerian Prince.
But still.

I feel special.


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