Tuesday, January 12, 2016

Big News

Saturday was a big, exciting day.

I was teaching school out of town in West Palm.
There was a "special" Stake Conference.
Rod was attending the Saturday evening Priesthood Session.

He sent me a text saying our rather large 
Cocoa Stake was being split and a new
Vero Beach Stake was being formed.

Then he texted me and said he had been
tapped on the shoulder and invited to the
Stake President's office.

Then he texted me and asked if I was
available by phone at 7 pm.


Insert all sorts of angst and wondering
and reasons why I COULDN'T be
available by phone at 7...  lol


At 7 I called Rod.
He said the Bishop wanted to speak to me.
He handed the Bishop the phone
and left the room.

Our Bishop asked if I could support Rod
in a calling as a High Council Member in
the new Vero Beach Stake.
He basically said this is the call and 
honestly, I have little idea what the call
will actually entail.
I will be released as Bishop and have accepted
the calling of new Stake President.
So I'm kind of having a hard time putting
cohesive thoughts together right now.

(I love our Bishop / Stake President!)

Of course I said I would support him in any way possible.

Then he called Rod back in and extended the call to him.

Lots of people are walking around in a daze today.

I am SO proud of the growth Rod has achieved and
am so looking forward to the man he is becoming.

I am sure he would appreciate your prayers
as his horizons are expanding.

(The Bishop mentioned he understood Rod wasn't
really comfortable speaking in meetings and 
was confident with the help of the Lord we 
wouldn't need to take him out of the meetings
on a stretcher.
To which Rod replied TAKE ME OUT???
You're going to need to TAKE ME IN on a stretcher!)

Prayers are appreciated!



rktucson said...

such exciting news! Congratulations Rod! You'll be awesome! We had a high councilman speak to us on Sunday and he was really new as well (our stake was just split too) anyway, when he announced to his family (brothers and sisters at a family reunion that week) one of his brothers said, "I KNEW something was different with you - I noticed that every time you started talking, I started to fall asleep!!" ha ha
Anyway - I'm sure you'll do an amazing job with whatever they have you doing. Prayers will (and always are) be with you and your family with this new change in your lives. :)

Rod said...

Thank you for the kind words, I can use all the prayers that come my way. I am in with 11 other High Councilors with years of experience. I am going to lean on them for help in this calling.