Monday, February 15, 2016


Seems like I've been doing a lot of driving lately.
Back and forth to work.
Back and forth to school.
Back and forth to the store.

Just seems like I've driving a lot.

So it shouldn't come as too big of a surprise
that I was driving last night.

Coming home from school.

It was late.
On the final weekend I give an
"end of class exam" that doesn't
even START until 7 p.m.

So it was after 9:00.
And dark.
And the highway wasn't TOO busy.

Driving along in the right lane
my headlights caught something on
side of the road.

A bobcat!
A BIG bobcat!
Just standing there.
Watching the vehicles go by.

I only got a glimpse.
But it was a FIRST!

The night before that, when I got home
from school, Rod and Kyle were 
not there.
And the chickens needed to be closed up.

So I wandered out in the dark.
And I SWEAR there was a coyote 
in the woods next to our place!

(I didn't see it, but boy could I hear it!)
Sounded like he was pretty close!

This morning as I was (again)
driving to work - I noticed a large
bird of prey (I wasn't very awake and my
bird of prey identification skills are 
shaky at best...)

It had just completed a dive into the river
and successfully captured a fish for it's breakfast.

Said fish was clutched securely in it's
right talon.

It flew up and landed on the top of a 
street light to eat the fish.

And was finding it challenging to balance
on one foot while holding his fish in the other.
And I realized that must be a daily issue
for birds who catch prey instead of just
scooping up bugs on the fly
(as it were).

There is absolutely no point to this post.
No message.
No lesson.

Just random critter "sightings".
And a peak into my life.


1 comment:

rktucson said...

Great PEAK! See you soon!