Friday, November 4, 2016

Out Doors

With the approach of late fall / early winter
it's more tempting to go out of doors.
(it's tough to get excited about doing
stuff outside when it's a gazillion degrees
and a hundred gazillion % humidity)

But now that the weather is GORGEOUS...

It was the perfect evening for a ride.
Light breeze,
nobody else was out there,
the trails were nice and dry
and the horses were cooperating.

There were no flies until the very end.
(the mosquitoes etc came out as the sun
was thinking about going down...)

Andy needed some Bute (horse tylenol)
when we got home for his arthritic hip,
but he was in a good mood the whole
ride and even cooperated when he
got tangled up in a vine.
(Silly boy never lifts his feet when he walks...)

We weren't the only people enjoying
the great outdoors...

We were just WARMER!

Kyle got to experience

DEEP fresh powder.

And, of course, the Florida boy was wearing SHORTS!

He was the ONLY person to brave the new snow.
Said there were NO foot prints.
(that includes bears, mountain lions, etc...)
It was neat to be out there first!

This was his first experience with early snow.

And it was pretty breath-taking!

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