Friday, March 24, 2017

I Only Have A Second

I only have a second.
My computer is electronically applying
the payments from a million dollar check.
It takes about 3 minutes.

So that's what I've got.
(Because it doesn't post all of it, just the EASY stuff...
then I get to come behind and post the rest...)
And I have to be finished before TUESDAY!

(TUESDAY is my favorite day!!!!! LOL)

Just checking in to say I am alive.
And I am working like a banshee to be
ready to go on vacation on 

And TUESDAY can't come soon enough
because I'm working like a banshee and it's

The good news is my class this weekend
is relatively small.
And they have to do a "mid term" exam
on Saturday morning which means I have
an hour and a half of "down time"
during which I'm going to figure out
what I'm going to make for Rod and Kyle
to eat while I'm out of town starting on 

And then on Sunday we have LOTS of down time
although the final exam doesn't officially end until
9:00 in the evening.
And then I still have to drive home.
And then work like a banshee on Monday
to get ready for 

(I plan to do some cooking Monday night
and since my flight doesn't leave until later in 
the afternoon on TUESDAY, I'll have
time to pack and finish cooking in the morning.)

Oh oh,
my computer says it's done.
Which means so is this blog post.
(See most of you on TUESDAY!!!!!)