Thursday, December 21, 2017

Christmas Goodies

Look what arrived yesterday!!!

A beautiful Harry & David basket 
full of all sorts of yummy things!

It said to unpack the fruit.
So I dutifully did.
And it said how to know if the pears were ripe.
And they were.
So I ate one.
It made a wonderful lunch!

I only ate one.
There are plenty left for the rest of my family.
Unless they don't read my blog.

There were also lots of other yummy goodies included.
Crackers, cheese, nuts, meat,
and one of my favorite things.
Pepper and onion preserves!
I can't wait to give that a try!
But I'm dutifully waiting for my darling husband.
(Kyle isn't a big fan of hot stuff...)
(Lucky me!)

A friend served us some sharp white cheddar cheese
a couple of months ago and I have been
diligently searching for more.
And presto!
There it is!

This is going to be a yummy Christmas Eve!
Thanks Mom and Dad!
It's a wonderful gift!

Love you!

1 comment:

rktucson said...

Fun gift!!! and I READ your blog so do I get some of that yummy stuff? LoL (doubt it!)
Have a very merry Christmas you guys!!!