Wednesday, December 6, 2017

Feed and Doctors

Rod has been wearing himself out.
Working a bazillion hours.
His company is offering as many
over time hours as your want,
they have several planes that need
to get out before the end of the year.

And then when the new year gets here,
there will be no overtime for probably
the first quarter.
Get it now while you can!

But he might have overdone a little.

Saturday morning he woke up
intending to go to work.
But he had a fever.
And a massive headache.

So instead he called in sick
and slept on the couch.

While he was napping,
my new fancy printer/scanner/copier
thingie came by FedEx.
(Free from the company!)

So when he woke up, we spent
a little while opening it,
hooking it up and testing it.

But we were sitting at the kitchen
table on the wooden bench
without a cushion
and when he got up his back was
incredibly sore.

Back to laying on the couch.

Sunday he spent the day sleeping again.
Still a fever.
Still an incredibly sore back.

Monday he called out sick again
and we headed to our doctor.
He still had a fever and his BP was
SUPER low!  We were expecting it to
be high because he was in pain,
but it was 82 over 60!
Doc was quite concerned, 
couldn't find any reason for any of the issues.
Did a flu panel (negative)
and x-rays of his abdomen.
Discovered he is SUPER constipated and
impacted, but still no reason for the fever.
And his back is still so sore.

The doc had him do some stuff to get
the constipation issue taken care of,
and recommended he stay home and
rest for another day or two.

Tuesday he was fever free, 
but his back was still really really sore.
Took another sick day.
He feels best while sitting straight up,
so we loaded up the truck
and headed up north to pick up some feed.
(I drove)

And when we got back home
he made a chiropractor appointment
to see if that would help his back.

Last night he had a couple of friends
come over and they gave him a blessing.
He had the BEST sleep last night
that he has had in months.
But his back is still sore.

Back to work, 
but left early to head back to the doctors
for an ultrasound of his abdomen again.
The tech said the radiologist would
take a look and if there was anything
to be concerned about they would call
today, otherwise Doc would likely call
with the results on Friday.

His back is still pretty sore,
although the chiropractor helped.
He's going again tomorrow.

And I'm going to fix the bed.

We have slept on a water bed for our
entire married life.
Except for a brief stint with a real
mattress that we ended up giving away.

Somehow our waterbed bladder got a 
giant air bubble in it.
It was bugging me.
When I make the bed, there's this big
bulge and it looks dumb.
So the other day Rod helped me
and we got the air bubble out.

And now our bed is TOO HARD!
I woke up a bunch last night with my
hips on fire.
Maybe that's the answer????

So I'm going to put the air back in.

Finger crossed that is all it takes.
And if not, that the Doc will be able
to figure it out.
(But hopefully it will help me sleep...)
(I can't sleep on a hard mattress...)
2 nights at a hotel is my MAX.

I'll keep everyone posted when we hear back.

Rod shared his cold with me.
So I'm sitting on the couch,
watching Hallmark Christmas movies,
mega-dosing oil of oregano and D3
and doing Italian burps.
(oregano repeats something fierce!)
So that's awesome.

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