Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Falcon Heavy Successful!

Today was THE DAY.

The Space Coast (our nickname)
has been all abuzz about the latest
SpaceX launch scheduled for today.

It was supposed to go at 1:30.

I decided to view it from the beach.

A beautiful day to be there!

I found a secluded spot in the sand,
laid out my bed sheet on a little ridge
and listened to a new book while
watching the people and birds.

About 12:45 I started walking north.
You can see the launch pad in the distance
when you are headed that way.
(the above picture is looking south...)

At 1:00 I heard they had scrubbed the 
1:05 and were now shooting for the 3:05
launch window.

Having already spent quite some time
in the intense Florida beach sun,
I wandered back to my spot,
collected my blanket and shoes,
walked back to my car and deposited
more quarters
and then walked across the street to 
Wendy's for a salad and soda.

And again with the delay.

They said they were now going to 3:45.
But all the space nerds said it was
going to likely be tomorrow.

So I headed back to my little
spot on the beach and enjoyed 
a little more of the sun.
(Since I'd already paid for my parking spot)

Spread my sheet and continued listening
to my book, while checking in with the
Space-X facebook page now and again
for updates.

Looking north there were lots of people
enjoying the beautiful day and waiting
to hear if the launch was going to go.

However, I decided I'd had enough sun.

So about 3:30 I headed home.

Giving me enough time to GET home
and watch it from my yard on the
off chance it decided to go.

And, of course, it did!

I didn't get any pictures of the actual shot.
To be honest, I was too busy watching
with my eyes instead of my camera.

Fingers crossed.

Everyone (including Elon Musk) was worried
whether this thing would actually fly.

But fly it DID!

And then they topped it off by
landing TWO rocket boosters,
side-by-side back on the ground!

So now the space nerds and newsmen
are all busy making horrible puns
about the red roadster heading into space.

Along the lines of
"Did you SEE that Car-go???"
Insert maniacal laughter.

We here on the Space Coast take
our space flights (and stupid jokes
about it) VERY seriously.


1 comment:

rktucson said...

Awesome! So what is that rocket going to DO up there? Not going to check out the moon!!! LoL