Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Wow! Long Time!

I've been absent.
I've been spending lots of time with Kyle.
And we have been trying to eliminate
electronics from our lives.
At least a little...

We have been visiting our local beach
almost every day.
Walking and the waves crashing
really has been soothing and helpful for him.

It was a beautiful day there today.

On Monday we finally got some little chairs.
We had some "friends" come to visit.

He loves having his picture taken.

We've gone from sitting like zombies
just looking at the waves
to building little water walls
to making underground caves with bridges.
And today we walked!

3248 steps!

He is getting better.
And I am VERY pleased.

1 comment:

rktucson said...

So glad to hear he is improving! Hang in there Kyle!!