Friday, October 4, 2019

Doing Ok.

It has been a rough couple of days
but we are starting to see the light
at the end of the tunnel.

The meds they put Kyle on only made
everything worse.
We tried natural things - worse.

So he spent many hours with his feet
in an Epson Salt bath trying to draw
it all back OUT of his body.

His feet are significantly larger than mine, so
his poor toes are all curled up in his bags.

We eventually found some rubbermaid tubs to use
and they worked better, but I forgot to take pictures.

He wasn't able to eat anything so was "living" on
lemon juice with water, stevia and collagen.
One day he had a little yogurt.
Another day he had an apple with some peanut butter.

Yesterday I think we turned a corner.
He spent some time on the phone with Soni
and that really helped.
He has been on the couch since Friday.
Couldn't lay flat (on his bed) or his heart started
to pound and his breathing got shallow.

He actually slept the full night in his bed on
Wednesday night and again last night.
Mowed the back pasture yesterday afternoon
and went to the store with me.
Bought a SUPER COOL coloring book and some
fancy colored pencils.
And (his idea) had Chick Fil A nuggets (that's all)
for dinner. This morning he said he felt like a 
little kid - he was ridiculously pleased he ate
ALL 12 nuggets and didn't throw up.

So thank you to everybody for your prayers
and thoughts on his behalf.
He's improving and even talking about going
back to work.
(He was positive he was going to have to quit
his job earlier in the week...)

Today we are going to try to get him another
chiropractor appointment,
go the the music store and see if I can find
Clair de Lune music for me for the piano
and ... he wanted to do something else...
Oh yeah!
He wants to go walk on the Turkey Creek trail.
We'll see if he has that much energy.

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