Monday, September 26, 2022

Hurricane Ian


Good news / bad news.

We have a hurricane a'comin'.
Likely to hit the west coast.
The west side is the best side.
And we will be to the east side of the eye.
It's likely to grow to a Cat 3 or 4.

The good news is Jim is getting his FIRST
deployment as a licensed insurance adjuster!
He is SOOOO excited!
The bad news is that means there will be 
damage and destruction in its path.
But the good news is that if they have insurance
(which is required in Florida...)
they are going to get "new" stuff.
So there's that....

Hurricanes happen.
You prepare.
You plan.
You buy insurance.
And you look for the bright side.

Business for the construction people.
Business for the insurance people.
Business for the big box / little box stores.
New stuff!
Not generally loss of life. 
Unless it spawns a tornado.
Or a freak accident - but those happen 
without a hurricane.


I don't dislike hurricane season.

Bring on being a Relief Society President
AND married to the emergency prep guy.

Whole new ball game.
Our ward council turned into an emergency prep
meeting yesterday morning.
We opened with "Master the Tempest is Raging"
and went from there.

The men in the room were all "who has a chainsaw"
and "how do people know who to report to".
We broke the ward into 4 quadrants and have assigned
zone leaders in each quadrant, but had not yet
assigned members to each zone.

Enter the women.
The YW Pres and I were sitting together
listening to the guys.
We looked at each other and said 
"this needs a woman's touch...". Lol.
So we volunteered to do the paperwork.

(She is a techno wizzz. She does all of Kyle's
advertising on social media - if you haven't seen
his Instagram account - check it out - she's good!)
BuffaloLandClearing on Instagram and Facebook.


After church Rod and I hooked up my 2 screens
and his 1 laptop and away we went.
We got all the people assigned into 3 of the zones
and Treesa took the busiest, most compact zone.

We tried to set them up geographically so the
leader is within blocks (if possible) of all the members
in their particular zone.

Our neck of the woods is more spread out.
But there's nothing you can do about that.


We got it all finished about 9:30 last night.
This morning (or after I quit at 9:30) 
Treesa put the finishing touches on it and made
it pretty.

This morning I added another column
(Leaving - yes/no;  Need Pre-storm assistance - yes/no;
Can you assist after the storm? - yes/no HOW; 
Post storm damage?)
and some colors to the leaders names to make them
easier to locate quickly.

Now we send them to the leaders and HOPE they 
follow through and contact each of their 6-10 
families in their zone.

MANY of the members are lost sheep.
Inactive, possibly moved, whatever.
That's another benefit of a hurricane.
We reach out to EVERY member on the list.
We find lost sheep.
And "most" of them are happy we did.
(And some aren't.)

It was a BIG job.

I split the master list into smaller ones so
each quadrant leader has his own sheet.
(That way it is less complicated for them, 
but also they have less chance of screwing the
whole thing up! Oh me of little faith... lol)

So it will be my job to daily (at least)
update the master based on the info they are 
gathering and putting on their sheets.

But I'm sitting in front of my computer all the time
We never evacuate.

That's done.

Now I have to make food for my family for
their lunches this week.
And I have to make dinner for the missionaries
this evening.
And I have to teach tonight.
So any other chores need to get done this morning.

I'll keep everybody posted.
But we are pretty sure this one is
basically a "dry" run.
With a LOT of rain.
The wind over on this side won't be more
than a good afternoon thunderstorm.

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