Friday, February 3, 2023

Another weekend AWAY

 Heading back to Ormond Beach this weekend.
2nd half of the class, and 2nd half of 
training their new site instructor.

So I have brought lots of "busy" work.
I have a big box of birthday cards for RS.
I brought February's cards to our Pres meeting
on Wednesday and we all signed them,
so I'll bring them, get them addressed, stamped,
and the date penciled on, so I can mail them.
I need to call a new birthday card person though.
(My original one broke her arm and can't write...)

My choice for 2nd counselor also changed her mind
about accepting the calling - her daughter-in-law 
gave birth to twins yesterday and she is going to
be BUSY BUSY BUSY helping that little family.
(Also they moved here from Maine last year to
open a new Crumble cookie store and have opened,
I think, 3 or 4 franchises in the area this year...
so they are also busy with that,
AND she teaches english lit at the local
private Catholic high school.)

Anyhow. That means I need to focus on a new
2nd counselor. So that will be the area of fasting this week.

Let's see... what else?
We learned a new process at work this week.
We have boxes and boxes and boxes and boxes
of every building permit issued in the past 10 years.
We sent HALF of them to a company to professionally
scan them, and then we hired a company to manage
all those scans. What they DIDN'T tell me is that
I have to manually MOVE each scanned document 
from the scanned folder into the permanent folder
and assign each one identifiable "tags" like the permit
number, the street address, the parcel ID #, the start and
close date of each permit... so they are searchable, and
also so we know when they are 10 years old and can be
destroyed. (YEA!)
So... that's going to be my project for.... oh, the rest
of my life. (Because they are now sending the OTHER
HALF of the boxes to the scanners... so when / if I get this
batch done, there will be MORE! WEEEE!)


On top of that, they just announced the new 
2023 Coaches Contest for the first half of this year.
The goal is to get MORE people licensed than
during the same period last year.
Most coaches got between 10 and 30 in
that time period.
I got 61. (And won the #1 Licensing Coach award...)
I'm pretty sure it was a fluke.
I was teaching FOUR classes each month.
And I think my Tues and Thursday orientation classes
were also being counted.
So... no way I'll beat it.
But that's ok. It would be fun if I did. Good prize money.


A new cold sore popped out on my top lip during training
on Tuesday or Wednesday, I don't remember which...
and that's my body's EARLY WARNING SYSTEM.

So between work, and then a trip to WalMart and a meeting with the
Bishopric last night, Kyle and I went and sat on the beach
for a little bit. It was nice and relaxing, although a bit chilly.
The sky was blue in front of us, but VERY cloudy overhead,
so there was no sun and a nice breeze coming in off the ocean.
(Temp only 65!)
we saw a dolphin playing in the waves!
And he/she actually did one of those leaps you only
see at Sea World! It was so cool!!!

So today, I am going to pick up my rental car
before Kyle heads off to work at Linda's.
(He officially quit FIT this week and is helping
Linda get her property here in Melbourne ready for sale...
she is moving to the ranch permanently... she moved into
Kyle's mobile home up there last month...)
And then I have to drive to Ormond - but it's only 
an hour and a half - straight shot up I-95.
My hotel is RIGHT at the corner of I-95.
And then I have to teach tonight from 6-10 so I'll
just teach from my hotel.

Easy day.

And then the rest of the weekend I'm just observing 
(and addressing birthday cards and making a new set
of flashcards because mine are getting REALLY old
and kind of nasty looking... lol.)

Taking it easy.
I promise.

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