Monday, April 10, 2023

Nice Easter

 We had a nice Easter Sunday.
Our Sacrament Meeting was really nice.
The YW President spoke and then
the Elders Quorum sang a nice arrangement.
They asked me to conduct.
They asked me Sunday morning.
(Well, actually Saturday at a party...)
I've never conducted a choir before.
It was fun!
And several said it helped...
(I actually counted out the rests with my fingers 
so they knew when to breath and be ready to 
come back in... many of them
don't actually read music...)

Anyhow, then the Bishop spoke and he decided
to try Elder Cook's method of letting the Spirit guide.
It was really good.
He based it on the hymn, He Is Risen.

Then the rest of the day was just resting,
relaxing, recharging our batteries so prepare
for another BUSY week.

Kyle playing with his puppy.
(I snuck the picture through the kitchen window...)

He has been working at the potato farm.
Did a half day on Saturday, 
and then they had them show up this morning at 6!
And worked until 7!
13 hours is a LONG day to be driving a tractor!!!

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