Friday, September 8, 2023

Hurricane Lee is a DOOZY!!!

 The hurricane centers and all the storm chasers
are LOSING. THEIR. MINDS. over this
Hurricane Lee.

Granted, it is breaking records all over the place.
It went from a tropical storm to a Cat 5
in 24 hours.

Of course it's still WAAAAAAAAAY too early
to know where its headed.
Most forecasters are predicting it will make a swing
to the north, skirt Virginia Beach and then do
a pretty direct (and likely devastating) hit 
to Nova Scotia.

Regardless, we will get some big waves
and a lot of beach erosion.
Which isn't good news for places like
Daytona that still hasn't replaced the sand and
sea walls from the last couple of storms.
There are homes that are in serious danger
of being washed away.
(Hello... don't build your house upon the sand?????
Every Primary kid knows THAT!)

I'll keep you updated.
I'm off to Tampa next weekend.
But by then we will know what's happening.
And I'll keep you posted throughout the week.
(Not like EVERY forecaster on EVERY news
channel isn't already harping on it...)
But you can trust me to take away the hype.

Be prepared.
Not scared.

Meanwhile, we are staying healthy, happy,
and busy as usual.
Rod did his last day of "light duty" at work,
so it will be back to normal for him next week.
He'll be glad to be back to doing his 
regular job and not trying to look busy
with log books and computer stuff.

Have a great weekend!!!

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