Monday, December 18, 2023

A Little Rain

 They were predicting MAJOR rain and flooding
over the weekend.

It did rain.
Quite a bit.
But we didn't get any flooding from it.

Some people did... Brock, next door has
a nice little pond in his front pasture
that the local ducks are enjoying.

And, unfortunately, the 10 acre parcel that
Kyle was supposed to start mulching today
also got quite a bit.

But we are high and dry.

Meanwhile, we had our ward Christmas party
on Saturday evening.

We had lots of fun.
It started with a "social hour".
And then dinner at 6.
Then they sent the little kids and any parents
who wanted to go with them,
to the Primary room for some activities
and a visit from Santa.

Meanwhile the rest of us old folks stayed
in the cultural hall for a rousing game
of musical chairs.
And then a scavenger hunt.
And rock, paper, scissors.

All for fun prizes.
(Mostly food items and gift certificates
for Wendys...)

We were all done, cleaned up and gone by
about 8:15.
It was POURING rain, but we still had 
a really good turn-out. they had to put
up 2 or 3 more tables.

It was all put on by the Exec Secty and his wife.

It was a fun evening.
And the Sacrament Meeting full of music
turned out really well.
Some spoke at length about their song
of choice, some didn't (me), and
some even picked non-Christmas hymns.
It turned out really well.

And then we had our friends the Galbraiths
over for dinner.
We have been to their house for dinner
several times. She was the one who gave
us all the kitchen stuff to borrow.
He's the EQ Pres so we got to work closely
and got to know each other and our families
pretty well.
It was a nice evening.
I tried a new recipe. Yeah, I know, you shouldn't
do that... and it's not one I'll likely repeat.
But it was ok.
The company made up for it.

Today we have a guy coming to replace the
door going into the laundry room that Beau
destroyed when we first got him.

(He didn't WANT to be locked in the
laundry room while I wasn't home...)

And also to fix the pocket door going into
the master bathroom.
It was broken when we bought the house,
and I just hung a blackout curtain on a 
rod over the opening.
Quieter and darker.
But decided we should probably fix it before
we try to sell the house.

And then at 10:30 we have our final 
virtual walk-thru the new house with
our realtor.
I'm going to try to record it.
Or at least take some screen shots of the
various rooms since I can't remember 
the little details like how many outlets in 
the rooms and which rooms need ceiling
fans and new light fixtures.
That sort of thing.

Hope you have a lovely Monday!

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