Friday, January 26, 2024


 We got a surprise delivery this morning!

Jelly Belly's and Salt Water Taffy!
Two of the BEST candies in the world!!!

Kyle will especially be thrilled with the jellybeans.
It has been a hard week.
And an expensive one.
Nothing says you are loved quite like a 
box of your favorite candies from your Grandma and Grandpa!

Thank you for thinking of us!
(I'm going to TRY to save some of the taffy
for Kansas - it's REALLY good when it has
been freeze dried - light, puffy, and FUN!)
I make no promises.

It's Friday already.
How does that even happen?
We had a really good Emotional Resilience
class last night - there were just 5 of us there.
(Kyle & I, Nick the facilitator, Wanda & Ashley)
We were missing Ashley's Mom & sister and
Michael - the EQ Pres.

It was Chapter 7 - addictive behavior.
Some good insights about what is addiction.
And what isn't.
It's not always the standard things we think about.
And those aren't always a true addiction.

Anyhow, it was a good evening.
However, I forgot to take the bulletin
with me to make copies.
So when it quits raining, I'll run over to the
church to do that and play the piano for a bit.
I'm playing for Relief Society this week,
so I should pick something and practice it.
Guess I'd better review the talk first.

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