Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Fun Day!

 I thought I was supposed to sub this morning,
so I got up,
worked out,
made an egg sandwich,
and sat down in front of the zoom.
And the other instructor came in and was all
"What are you doing in here???"

She needs me to sub on MAY 17.

since I suddenly had several hours to kill,
Kyle and I went to WalMart and returned
the bed frame I bought yesterday for him
(he has been sleeping on his mattress on the floor,
but that's not good for his back and looks
dumb when people come to see the house...)
and then he started BUILDING a new frame
(had to go to Lowe's first and get a saw...)

He antiqued it, so it matches the dresser he made.

and I made a batch of oatmeal raisin cookies.

It was a nice day.
Then at 5:24 we went outside and watched a rocket launch
and then it was back into the zoom room for my night class.

Rod should be home from work soon.
So I'm off to feed him some dinner
(and a cookie) and then it's off to bed.

Night all!

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