Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Had to Laugh

 Yesterday I was watching a YouTube of
a man who cleans homes of folks who have
hoarders syndrome or PTSD or what have you.

He mentioned that in the bedroom he picked
up, folded and stored NINE giant totes of clothes
from off the floor.

In the vernacular of those who suffer from ADHD
this is referred to as a FLOORED-ROBE.

(get it? Wardrobe - flooredrobe...)

If only I had known that WAAAAAY back when
Dad used to threaten to install hooks on our
bedroom floors since that was where we 
seemed to "hang" our clothes all the time.....

Not much has changed. But at least now I know
the correct name!

(Truth - I had to stage this, since, of course, my
home is in a state of "show ready" at all times...
even though nobody seems to want to see it...)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Haha floordrobe! Love it! And I totally remember Dad threatening to install hooks on the floor lol