Wednesday, February 5, 2014

On The Road Again

Rod's little Honda got broken.

(I lost my Master Mechanic's designation...)
(When they start talking engine stuff my eyes glaze over.)


Rod's little Honda got broken.

So Rod and I have been truck-pooling to work for awhile.
It's kinda fun!
He works close to my work.
He works 9 - 5.
I work 7:30 to 4.
But my supervisor graciously let me change to 8:30 - 5.

So he drops me off at my office and then goes on
to the airport.
And then he picks me up when he gets done.

Since it's a Honda, the parts had to be ordered.

And then they had to basically take the entire car apart.

And then fix the thing that was broken.

And then put the entire car together again.

(The same general part broke on Kyle's Ford truck.)
(It took like 15 minutes to fix.)

So Rod and Kyle have been working on this.
Last weekend they worked on it and worked on it.
But it wasn't fixed.
(And the parts weren't all here yet.)
This weekend the parts were finally here.
They spent the entire day on Monday working on this.
And then Rod was sick on Tuesday and they
worked on it some more.




It's wonderful to live in a house full of mechanically inclined people.
It took them a TON of time.
But probably saved us a GAZILLION dollars.

Teach your children to work on stuff people!
It is such a blessing!

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