Sunday, March 15, 2015


Rod had to take Thursday off since the airport was closed.
I think they were sponsoring a 5K run or something.


He was off for the day.

And I "accidentally" stayed an hour extra
on Tuesday.  (I couldn't balance...)


I left early on Thursday since Rod was home.
And Kyle was home.
And the kayaks were calling our names.

It was a gorgeous day
with almost no breeze
and no current on the creek.

We did find some little friends.

LOTS of little friends!

And, of course, one BIG one.

He was happy laying in the sun.
His eyes were open and he was 
definitely watching us.
But he was pretty confident he could
eat us if he needed to.
So we were more worried than he was.

We kept our distance and after a couple
of pictures, went on our way.

He was still there on the way back.

Which I was happy about.
I don't like knowing there is one around
but not knowing where exactly...

All in all it was a great trip!

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