Thursday, April 9, 2015

The Little Things

It's the little things.

Monday morning it was sprinkling.
And the weatherman said it might rain.
(Florida "might" = "break out the umbrella")

Monday is Rod's day off.
But he got out of bed and put some
new wipers on my truck.
(The old ones were Thrashed!)

It was such a pleasure to turn them on
and wipe away all the "road spit" 
and be able to see!

Tuesday night Rod and I went
grocery shopping.
We are OUT of sweetener.
We don't use sugar.
We were using Truvia.

It was pretty good.

But then we found Pyure!

Awesome stuff!
It's Organic.
And tastes JUST like sugar.
No weird after taste.
And WAY cheaper than Truvia.

And they were OUT!!!!
And there was NO little label for where
it is supposed to be.
Which generally means WalMart isn't going
to carry it anymore.

We went next door to Publix.
They don't carry it either.
They did have a couple of bags
of Swerve (which is pretty good)
but they were on clearance.
Which means - GONE too.

Last night I swung by WalMart cuz I
forgot to buy cottage cheese.
We use a TON of cottage cheese.
It's a good source of protein
and calcium
and (this sounds strange)
makes our morning smoothies
rich and creamy!
(Try it - you might be surprised!)

Just for fun I wandered down the 
sweetener aisle.

There were FOUR, count 'em,
FOUR bags of Pyure.

Well... there were...
Sorry to all other Pyure lovers.

Maybe WalMart will get the hint!

I love it when those little things
make me smile!

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