Tuesday, May 5, 2015


Oh my goodness,
has it REALLY been 5
(ahem 7) years????


(That's a little how my conversation
with my doctor went a few weeks ago.)

And ended with me actually making
an appointment.

Well, honesty wins out.
I DIDN'T make an appointment.
His nurse did it for me.
And then called and said
"Be here on this date."

I love my doctor.
He is not actually a doctor.
He is a nurse practitioner.
But he's awesome.
And I love him.

He's also an avid reader.

So several years ago,
I sat in his exam room waiting for him to arrive.
I was happily reading on my Kindle.

He walked in and we spent the first 10+ minutes
of the appointment comparing what we are/have/wish
we were reading on our various E-readers.

Low and behold, like that very afternoon
he sent me a HUGE dropbox file full of
books to put on my Kindle!

And then...

Fast forward a year or so later
when I saw him again.
(I have to see him every 6 months for
my thyroid - stupid insurance company,
who I just happen to work for...)

He made me go get a mammogram.
And then he sent me a few more books.

And then....

Fast forward to earlier this year.
I went in for my stupid thyroid appointment.
And he was amazed I'm still using the same
Kindle (which I LOVE, by the way, and
am now actively looking to find the exact same
version for Kyle since the new ones don't do
"text to speech" with a headphone jack.  We
both like to LISTEN to our books, I listen
while posting $, he likes to listen while he drives)
(which he will be doing lots more of soon...)


After agreeing to another stupid mammogram 
(I know, I know, but I prefer thermography)
he immediately sent me more books!

And then I had a bone density test...
BOOKS show up in my email inbox!

Then I did the pre-consult for a colonoscopy


Yesterday I did the deed.
And it was AWFUL!
(Ok, the test was no biggie,
in fact it was the best nap I've had in
a LONG time, I nearly asked the doc
if he would put me back under and just
leave me alone for another hour or so... lol)

There had BETTER be a bunch of 
REALLY GOOD books in my
inbox in the next day or two.


PS - all is well.
I have the "most beautiful colon he has ever seen".

Ok, that's not actually what he said,
but I was still kind of drugged
and it's my blog
so I can tell it how I want to.

But all IS well...

AND I'm off the hook for
drum roll


They'd better have a better plan for prep
by the time I'm 65 dang years old
or there aren't enough books in the world
to make me do that again.


1 comment:

rktucson said...

I too have agreed to my dr. "verbally" to schedule my colonoscopy. I have actually yet to do that - but I have a good excuse, I don't have ins to cover that a the moment. So... we'll see. I have to pay for mamos and MRI's every other year so, that's about my limit for now. Good for you though. Nancy and Greg both had theirs done in the last year!