Friday, May 1, 2015

May Day

I remember doing a May Pole.
I might have been 6.

Or so.

Oh the innocence of youth.

Rod is still home "sick".
(He's on antibiotics, but he just
can't "just sit here".)
He borrowed the neighbor's fancy
lawnmower and mowed the entire property.

He will be back at work tomorrow.
(They told him to go home and 
not come back until Saturday.)

In an hour we'll be heading to the woods
at the end of the street to meet the rest of
my Trails and Greenways committee to put
down some used carpet to preserve a new
section of trail.

A group of 10 students from the 
University of South Carolina came down
for "Alternate Spring Break".
They wanted to come to Florida for spring break,
but weren't interested in the usual 
nonsense going on in Daytona Beach,
so they offered their services to our
Environmentally Endangered Lands folks
and they guided them through creating a new trail.

They were great kids.
They worked really hard!
I'm looking forward to seeing the new trail!
(I've been too busy to head into the woods lately)

I don't have to teach for THREE 
count 'em THREE weekends!

Looking forward to the break.

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