Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Ground Chicken

I FINALLY finished ... uh...
cleaning out?
our chicken flock.

too many chickens.

And now we still have lots.
But better.

There will be less in August,
but for now,
we're good.

So I did "that" part over the weekend.

And then after letting the breast meat 
rest for a couple of days in the fridge
last night we broke out the new
meat grinder!

I'm the worst picture taker in the world.

We had the light over the stove turned on
so we could see what we were doing.
But it didn't make for great picture taking.

you get the idea.

These were scrawny little 2 year+ old layers.
Not much meat on them.

But from 30 chickens we got a total of
7 pounds of ground breast meat!

We cooked up one pound.
(which leaves 6 in the freezer!)

With lots of seasoning,
it made a really yummy taco salad.

(Our nod to Cinco de Mayo)
Or whatever you call that.
You know,
National Mexican Food Day.

It was YUMMY!

I made another big taco salad in 
a quart mason jar to take for lunch today.

And then I remembered I'm meeting some
friends for lunch at a new Greek restaurant.


Just means I'm all organized for tomorrow!


rktucson said...

cool! I like the idea of ground meat... I'll have to tell Sam about that. did you see her post on FB and read the magazine article about her chicken etc?

Collette said...

Yup, I read the article. They were really complimentary (even calling her their favorite Etsy store!) Way to go Sam! Oh, and running the meat through the grinder was like the ultimate tenderizer - worked like a charm!