Thursday, July 28, 2016

Mango - the Southern Zucchini

It's summer in Florida.
Unlike summer in the places we all grew up in,
that does NOT mean lots of fresh fruits
and veggies.

If you want to eat fresh in Florida,
you need to visit in the late fall or early spring.

But for some reason the girls are
laying eggs like MAD and it IS
Mango season.

The mango is the rest of the country's zucchini.
Folks are selling, trading, donating, abandoning
tons of mangos right now.

My mango tree is still a baby.

But there is a guy that works with Rod.
His tree is going nuts.
And they are SOOOOO juicy and good!
He and Rod have been trading commodities.
Rod brings him a dozen eggs.
He brings Rod a bunch of mangos.

My house smells like a smoothie factory.

We've been having strawberry mango smoothies
for breakfast every morning.


1 comment:

rktucson said...

Yummy! Not much better than fresh mangos!!!