Wednesday, July 27, 2016

Well... HELLO!

Look what I found on the highway last night!

Well, not WHAT.

A little old truck pulling a big trailer.

Oh wait!
That's OUR little old truck
pulling OUR trailer!

Luckily it was also being driven
by my darling husband.

Hi darling!
(He was picking up fence posts 
at Tractor Supply in anticipation of
Kyle's visit next week...)


rktucson said...

oooh a visit? how fun! when does school start? and what's the skinny, does he have a job or is he just hiking all summer in those beautiful mtns!

Collette said...

The lucky stiff has just been enjoying the mountains. Lots of hiking... He will be actively looking for a job when he gets back from Florida and then will register for school after that (so he can coordinate...) The certification he is taking starts every month so there's no fixed start date.