Wednesday, May 3, 2017


Our baby ducks are chickens.
Ever since we first started
letting them out of their little rabbit house
they have stuck right next to the condo.

By their pool.

By their buddies, the baby chicks.

And then they started to slowly venture
further and further out into the chicken yard.
Even going so far as eating some
of the chickens fermented feed.
(Until the chickens made a face at them
and they ran back to their designated corner...)

But Monday, THIS happened!

Out in the YARD!

Unfortunately, shortly after that,
Bandit noticed them and decided
they shouldn't be out there.
In the process of herding them back
to their designated corner
she nabbed one by the neck.
There were lots of feathers,
lots of quacking,
lots of freaking out.
But no dead ducks.

Everybody is fine now.
But they are sticking pretty close
to their "spot".

Sorry ducks!
Maybe you can try again later.

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