Monday, May 21, 2018

Good Gravy

Good Ness!!!!
(As Kyle would say...)

This past weekend I was teaching in West Palm.
I had 2 other instructors "visiting",
learning how to use the new eRoster system.
Thank goodness!

When I got ready to begin class,
I switched my iPad over from
"register the students" mode to
"power point - teach the class" mode.
That generally means I tap an icon
and my iPad automatically connects
to my Apple TV and projects up on
my giant white board at the front of the room.

Only this time it didn't.

And I, being the NON-techy member of
the family, had NO idea what to do!
But luckily Carlos is a Tech Expert!
I handed it to him and he messed with it
for fifteen minutes until he got it to
at least connect - but looks like it will
never happen automatically again.


But at least it works.
It was a rocky start to class,
but we got through it.

The rest of the day went well,
until lunch time.
My Subway app was broken.
Which meant we had to go and 
actually ORDER.

First world problems.

Sunday started out well.
We decided not to mess with the Subway
app and just drove over and went inside.
Where they were SLAMMED.
But I work in a food desert,
so it's Subway or nothing.
(Well, McDonalds... but whatever...)

By the time we got out of there,
and dealt with all the other crazy
people driving in South Florida in 
the RAIN,
we walked into the classroom
ON THE DOT of 1:50.
Which is when class begins.

I walked in the room and said
"Hi!  Class is officially underway!"
And then fortunately I had two instructors
who could go around the room and
collect QR codes and signatures from
each of the students.
(A process you have to go through
at the beginning of each session.)

When class ended (it went well...
we had 24 students - a large class,
but lots of fun!)
we still had to do all the other iPad
nonsense to report the student's hours.

Because it looked like the entire class
was late, we had to put an explanation
note on EACH one. (Thank goodness
for copy / paste!)

But when we tried to finalize it,
we got an error code, 
it said the roster was locked,
and we would have to fix it later.


By then it was nearly 7:30 and we had
been at it for 12 hours.
We were TIRED!

One of the instructors lives 50 miles
north, right on my way home,
so rather than make her husband
pack up their 3 little girls and drive
down to pick her up, I just took her home.
But first I ran to the bathroom.

Where I dropped my phone in the toilet.
(don't ask)

So NOW I have no working phone.

I DID manage to get it to connect
to my car so I could use my map
feature (or I'd still be driving around
Port St. Lucie trying to find the highway.)
and listen to music.
But it couldn't hear me,
so I couldn't phone / text anyone.
I NEEDED some Piano Guys.


Which means I was up and out of the
house by 8:30 this morning,
heading to Sprint.

They sold me a new phone (upgrade)
since mine was never going to get
any better.

We got it all hooked up,
all my information transferred over,
and I headed out of there about 11:00.

I was headed to Town Hall,
but first I tried to connect it to my
car so I could listen to my book on tape
on the drive.

It refused to connect.
So instead of Town Hall,
I headed to the dealership to have Jim
fix it for me.
We messed with it for 30 minutes
(and had a nice visit)
and gave up.

Back to Sprint.
Where after much trial and error,
and You Tube-ing (is that a word?)
and then Googling,
it turns out the LG V30 does NOT
connect with Android Auto.

That would have been nice to know
2+ hours ago.

The salesman was really helpful,
we ended up bringing his manager out
to the car - he drives an Audi (basically
the same car as a VW)
and he has a Samsung.
His phone connected right up.

So back into the store to swap the LG
for a Samsung.  That was an adventure.

An hour later, I got to FINALLY eat
something. My reward for dealing with
phone issues is the Steak 'N Shake next
door. They have a really yummy little
jalapeno burger that I love, but I never
get it because I'm never in that part of town.

While eating, I decided to text Jim and
update him. But it wouldn't send.
I looked around for why 
and it turns out the phone wasn't 
activated yet.

Back next door to Sprint.
Ken messed with.
Finally it said it was done.

Back out to my car.
Where I discovered it STILL
wouldn't let me make a phone call.

Back into the store.
More messing around.
We texted each other.
We phoned each other.
We confirmed it worked.

I left.
I phoned Jim.
We talked.
I called my boss to talk about the
new eRoster and some issues.
Meanwhile I drove to Town Hall.
I got there at 2:00.
I worked until 4:00.

I came home.
Rod texted he was trying to call
but my phone went direct to voice mail.
I had Kyle stand next to me and phone me.
It went direct to voice mail.

I still had my salesman's number in my phone.
I called him at home.
I told him I was returning the phone.

He texted me.
I think I fixed it.
He called me.
Rod called me.
Kyle called me.

I'm going to bed.


(Oh yeah, the adventure continues,
turns out the corn in our feed got wet
at the mill and now all our feed
smells like... whiskey?
I really AM going to bed.
And Kyle and I are driving to the
feed mill tomorrow to swap it out.)

1 comment:

rktucson said...

totally awesome day! sounds a lot like a few of mine!!